I do pray ...

For all the children, that they may grow with peace, love and harmony, never knowing violence of any kind — not physical, emotional, verbal, societal, or environmental.

For all the mothers and fathers, that they be guided with unconditional love, nurturing, strength, wisdom, kindness, and peacefulness, in a loving family bond.

For all the earth, forests, fields, plants, and deserts, that they be healthy vital for all who live and grow upon their gifts.

For all the waterways, that they flow clean, fresh, healthy, and vital, for the air and water of life’s sustenance.

For all the colors of people, that we let go of past hurts, and all find our healing, our unity, our gifts of the each other, in harmony and mutual respect. We all have gifts to share with others.

For hearts to open, to hear, feel, know, and follow your divine guidance.

For women, to come together in circles, finding connective, supportive strength, bringing the forgotten energies of the feminine into the imbalanced seats of societal decisions, to bring balance, our fullness of all for all.

For the world to join in a harmonic composition of one heart, one spirit of caring, sharing, cooperation and connection, for we all are one family that shares one home of earth.

We give thanks for all. We ask forgiveness of all.
alycia (longriver) davis - january 11, 2021